The Program

How to Lose Weight Over 50 For the Last Time (Without Deprivation)

You want to be thin, healthy, vibrant and live with joy and purpose in your 50s, 60s and beyond

If you are approaching 60 and still ask yourself:

·        If I am so successful at business, why can’t I lose weight?

·        If I am happily married, why can’t I lose weight?

·        If my children are off living their lives and don’t require my time, why can’t I lose weight?

·        If I finally have time to do what I want, why can’t I lose weight?

If you can’t figure out why you can't lose weight, How to Lose Weight Over 50 is your answer.

I’m ready to get started losing weight without deprivation!

Full Payment $1599.00

2 Payments $805.00

Imagine a life where….

•      You wake up in the morning and your stomach is not bloated.

•      Deciding what to eat isn’t a struggle

•      You show up for work focused on the job at hand

•      Your own mind isn’t gunning you down

•      You don’t dread your day because you must give up all your pleasures

•      Being “good” has nothing to do with food

•      Weight is no longer an issue

•      You love shopping in your closet or at your favorite boutique

•      You look forward to enjoying the pleasures of your hobby, or a quiet pleasurable morning with your own thoughts

•      You are having more fun

•      You are not looking for the next diet, next eating plan

Instead of a life where…

·        Year after year, you have lost and gained weight over and over. 

·        It’s getting harder to lose weight at all.

·        Year after year, another pound or two.  No big deal, you tell yourself. 

·        You’re still looking for ways to end the war with your weight, and now you see an aging face and body.

·        You join gyms, even hired a nutritionist, and your primary care doctor gives you her personal tips on how to control your weight.  It seems easy to her.  She just doesn’t get you.  You don’t get you!!

·        You have read every issue of Oprah and all the books on diet and stress and good fats and bad fats. 

·        Your mind is swirling.  You think you know what to do, yet you don’t seem to have the motivation to do it.

The Question is:

Can you believe you can succeed and give up the battle with food and self-image and looming diabetes?????

You are here because you believe there is a way out and I HAVE A PROCESS TO TAKE YOU THERE. 

Let's Go! I am ready.

Full Payment $1599.00

2 Payments $805.00

What is it worth to you?

•      Do you spend lots of money eating out in fancy restaurants and wake up feeling like crap?  ($150 each)

•      Do you spend money on new clothes because you keep gaining weight? ($5000)

•      Do you spend your money getting out of town, only to have gained more weight and be more miserable when you come back? ($2500)

•       You can join a gym and try to lose weight through exercise ($1200)

•      Are you facing health risks related to obesity and diabetes? ($Thousands$)

•      If you don’t lose weight in your 60s, how do you expect to enjoy your 70s? (Priceless)

Imagine your future if nothing changes...

·        Imagine you are now approaching your 65th birthday, and you are still eating quantities of unhealthy food. Another 10 years, another 10 Lbs. 

·        Your knees are working harder to hold you up and they are hurting.

·        Your heart is working harder to get you up the stairs. 

·        You’re spending more time at the doctor’s office than visiting friends.

·        You’re making excuses why you can’t join your grandchildren on a hike or tour an exotic location.

Imagine another future.....

·        Now, imagine you are approaching your 70th birthday and you are shopping for that fabulous dress in a size you haven’t seen in years. 

·        You are celebrating with your colleagues on your business success.

·        Or, you are celebrating with your colleagues on your retirement!

·        You are planning a tour of Italy. 

·        You are getting ready for that art class or Italian for beginners!

·        You are walking and laughing with friends twice a week. 

·        You wake up a little creaky, but with a smile on your face, remembering to be glad you have another day! 

·        You feel good and look great.

 I don’t want to wait any longer.

Full Payment $1599.00

2 Payments $805.00

Do you know that your 50s, 60s and 70s are the decades of authenticity and freedom for women?  It is your time to choose YOU.  Decide for yourself--with purpose and intention--how you want to spend your time. 


My turning point came when a friend was visiting and took an “accidental” photo that captured my torso, no head – and I was shocked!  I had been listening to food chatter for years.  "Should I eat that?  What happens if I just give up lunch or dinner?  I will only have one bite.  I can buy this box of cookies for my husband (and this one for me.)  (Then I would eat his and then mine.) I will one eat one more.  I will start anew tomorrow."

And my weight went up and up. 

I would scour catalogs for clothes that would elegantly hide my body. 

Looking at that photo was like ripping off the band aid. 

What I saw was the truth of my physical and mental suffering.  That I seemed to have lost control.

I set out on a journey and learned about the addictive qualities of flour and sugar and how they were not my friends. 

I lost 40 pounds and studied neuroplasticity and the latest studies about the brain and how to create new habits. 

Emotional eating was a big problem for me. 

I didn’t want to face up to my past and chose to eat instead. 

Then my problem became eating and not my wicked past. 

You get what I mean?

I have a new world view.  God doesn’t make junk.  We each come here worthy of love and with a gift to offer to family, friends, coworkers, and our community.

It took me a bunch of years.  Just as it has taken you. 

The beauty is that each day is brand new.  A gift for you to learn to manage your physical and mental health.  

Using knowledge from my teachers and brain and obesity research, I have culled tools to assist you in becoming the best version of yourself you can be right now. 

At the weight you choose to be.

Stacking the deck in your favor.

My clients have surprised and delighted themselves with their progress in weight loss and managing anxiety and critical thinking.  They have lost weight, planned vacations, passed tests, sanely cared for loved ones through cancer diagnosis, succeeded at work and in getting a new job. 

Healing your relationship with yourself is key to discovering who you want to be and deciding what weight is best for you.  

How you want to spend your mental energy is up to you.

I will teach you how to harness your perfectly-equipped mind to CREATE a whole, happy, silly (or serious), loving, worthy life.

As we grow older, we discover a new reality.  

Our bodies slow down, and are impacted by gravity more each day.  

Our social and emotional intelligence becomes more crystalized.  

We have more discernment and wisdom pops up here and there.  

We seek purpose, meaning and context for our daily lives.

If we allow the changes in our body to take the lead, our confidence can falter.  If you focus on the exterior to the exclusion of your rich interior, you will miss your great strengths and gifts.

You are at a point of decision.

You can either continue down the path of least resistance, the path you have been traveling, or you can choose the path less traveled. 

The path of least resistance is not always pretty and doesn’t always feel good, just familiar.  You know that path. 

It gets you the same results you are currently getting.

If you want something different to happen now, you can change the direction of your health and your future. 

But you are going to have to do something different.  You will need to make a new choice and act toward a healthier lifestyle.

Become the treasure. Become the gift.  

WHAT Do You Get?

A competitive advantage for reaching your weight loss goals

•      Personalized Meal plan ($500)

•      You will know exactly what and how much to eat.          

•      Daily accountability and access ($3,500)

•      Stay on track & get your questions answered

•      Revise your plan to ensure it is working

•      Process for creating new habits ($Priceless)

•      No more thoughts of deprivation

•      Give up emotional eating

•      Manage your Stress

•      Develop habits for better Sleep

•      10 Expert on-on-one coaching sessions  ($2,000)

•      Continuous weight loss monitoring

•      Learn your how your brain works & get it to work for you

•      Rediscover your passion

•      Personalized Plans, Workbooks and Guides to use forever ($250)

I Want to Learn How to Lose Weight For the Last Time, Without Deprivation, no matter how old you are!

Full Payment $1599.00

2 Payments $805.00