Get a Jump on Your New Year’s Resolution – Break the overeating habit.
/Breaking a habit takes work. But it ain't diggin ditches!
I find it fascinating (as does my husband) that there are small habits I don’t change.
Like not putting my keys in the same place every evening. This is obvious to my husband - that creating the habit of placing my keys in the same place at the end of the day would make my life a bit simpler. I see him patiently waiting as he listens to me cursing under my breath as I search for my keys.
Yet, I prepare my breakfast every night. We always have vegetables to cook. I always anticipate meals. I even weigh my food (not required, but it makes it easy for me).
I prepare the coffee pot every night. I have clean clothes. I write a blog for you every week.
When I decide that something is vital, and learn how to do it, it becomes automatic. I just wash my clothes, buy coffee, sit down to write, get the yogurt.
I was taught that preparing my food in advance would make my life easier. I was told this was insurance for success to reach my weight loss goals and to maintain my healthy weight.
Damn, it worked!
Create a Plan.
Strategize for success.
Rinse and repeat.
Practice, practice, practice.
You may have some overeating habits that come and go over the years. Mine came and came back again and as I reached the end of my 50s those habits were not going away. The problem with weight is that once you add it on, once you install those habits, it can be real work to let it go.
Isn’t that the good news? You have to work, yet you can succeed at letting it go.
I am in the midst of learning to break the habit of biting my nails. I decided I would learn the skill of not biting my nails. I committed to changing that habit.
My strategy is to create an evening ritual called “Caring for my Hands Ritual.” I take out a little nail kit and some hand cream as well as some waterproof bandages. I smooth, moisture and cover.
It is working. I am bringing to consciousness my unconscious habit. I am on day 5.
You can choose to decide and commit, create a strategy and a plan of action. Boom, done!
You can also ask for help.
January 2018 is in the near distance. I can practically see it!
Get a jump on your New Year’s resolution. Imagine already learning new habits of healthy eating as you ring in the New Year!
I am ready for you. I am holding a space for you.
P.S. Once I have the nails automated, the keys are next!