Holiday, Food & Family
/Weather you spend your holidays at home or in an exotic location, your thoughts will determine how good it feels to be there!
Your thoughts create your feelings.
Your feelings color your life. They can inspire you or they can send you under the covers.
When you think someone is disrespecting you and making you feel unworthy, think again.
It is your very own thoughts that create the feeling of being unworthy.
It’s not your sister’s job, your brother-in-law’s job, and if you are anywhere near approaching 60, it is not your mother’s job or your father’s job to make you feel worthy and respected.
Don’t give your power to feel worthy away to anyone else.
It is an inside job. It is your job.
You determine your worthiness.
You were born worthy.
You are worthy now.
100% worthy.
You are beautiful.
You are loveable.
You are enough.
Take a huge serving of worthiness and your regular portions of food.
Let food nourish your body.
Let your thoughts nourish your life.